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Hardcore Hangover Smoothie – for the ones really suffering!


100ml coconut or filtered water

1 apple cored and chopped

½ small cucumber

Handful of spinach or kale

½ avocado

Juice of half a lemon

1 tbsp.honey/Sweet Freedom or Agave Syrups

1 tsp. extra-virgin coconut oil if you have it

Thumb size piece of ginger chopped or grated

Pinch cinnamon

Pinch sea salt


Spinach and kale help the liver to detoxify
Cucumber and lemon alkalise the body and helps it get back to ‘normal’!
Avocado gives protein and fat and also some fibre
Syrups or honey give the blood sugar a lift
Ginger’s good to help get rid of nausea
Cinnamon helps balance blood sugar
Coconut water /water – the hydrators